The all in one platform to streamline your operations

Built from the ground up for true omni-channel retail distribution. Remove barriers and unlock your full business potential.

Achieve more with less.

Stay atop today's competitive environment and the ever changing retail landscape,  

Overhead reduction

Reduce your product listing and channel management overhead by more than 50%

Product focused

Leverage XrossDock's product focused processes to drive your SKU range and market reach

Built for scale

Ever increasing data and integration complexities is a key inhibitor for e-commerce organisations. Our uptime SLA is here to ensure you can run 24/7

Free up your team

We remove the mundane and arduous tasks so your team can be unleashed to truly do what matters for your business

All your core pillars in one unified hub.

Product Information Management

We ensure product information is entered correctly and e-commerce enriched from the get go. Reduce channel availability lead time.

Multi Location Inventory to Channel Sync

Have complete control over your inventory to channel routing, no matter where your stock is physically located.

Direct Channel Integration

Manage all of your listings in one place. Get a 360 overview on where your product is listed and their respective health.

Smart Financial Reconciliation

Action and reconcile all of your e-commerce financial records in one place, boost your financial accuracy.

Leverage our decades of operational excellence and process know how to

Unlock your sales potential

User Information - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Product Listing Management

Channel specific auto field mappings and rules. Create once and automate, then change when you need to.

Deal Tracking - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Multi channel order tracking

Multi channel order tracking and fulfilment, easy and fast.

Pipeline Management - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Profitability Analysis

Maximise your performance before you raise that first purchase order.

Reporting Dashboard - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Reporting at the right level

Overview or detailed, our dashboards give you the right information at the right grain.

Meeting Scheduling - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Promotion Planning

Manage your promotion activities and calendar in one place

Email Tracking - Dataplus X Webflow Template

Advanced logistics management

Mutli location to channel mapping